Understanding Employee Drives and Motivation – How Important is it in a Business Organization?

“Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” – Zig Ziglar

Being motivated by good performance of a business and its growth, as an owner or a manager is willing to go for business expansions, so are the employees, being motivated in a way as it’s appropriate, are willing to remain as part of the organization in the long run by working enthusiastically, as they take pride in it. That’s how the power of motivation in the work place plays a significant role in the overall performance of a business. It’s thus very much important to understand employee drives and motivation, so that their efficient performance may have a good cause to build the desired organizational culture and lead the organization in the direction of constant success.

While understanding employee drives and motivation is of obvious important in getting things done in a way as wanted or planned, not all businesses give a serious thought about it. As a result, inefficient performance of the employees, business losses or poor quality production or services are experienced commonly. So, if a business entity is willing to heighten its level, it should not underestimate the importance of employee motivation and understanding employee drives, as it is extremely important to lead a business to its desired level. In this way, even if it’s a small amount of help that a manager could do should be done, so that positive feelings or employee morale may be developed well.

Most commonly, employees are motivated to work gladly based on the following needs or drivers if they are fulfilled by any organization. Such as the followings:-

Earning enough salary to meet their basic needs
Finding opportunities for self-growth and development
Career development
Gaining recognition
Improving their knowledge and skills
Regular promotions or salary increments based on performance and skills
Job enrichment or job enlargement

In addition to above factors that drive and motivate employees to work harder and in all honesty, it is also important to pay attention on the other drives that develop in course of time so as to take necessary actions accordingly.

It is worthwhile to note, If a business management recognizes the importance of motivation and establishes various motivational techniques accordingly, in fact, it does its best for itself, as enhancing motivation and allowing the employees to fulfill their personal objectives is to prepare them well to accomplish the total organizational goals and objectives successfully.

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Written by:
K. A. Fareed (Fareed Siddiqui)
Writer, Trainer, Author, Blogger, Software Developer
BBA, MBA-Finance, MPhil-Financial Management, (MSc-Software Engineering)
MA-English, MPhil-English
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications and Programming
Certificate course in English language proficiency
Level 1 – Leadership and Management ILM – UK
Pursuing CMA-USA
Individual Member of Institute of Management Consultants of India